Osborn Holiday Card 2009



Size/Page #
7" x 10"

Offset Printing, 2 over 2

December 2009

When working with architects and developing typographic layout for specific spaces, the usual process when it comes to fabrication is to leave it to computers. Interested in allowing craft to permeate projects, we wanted to see what would happen when the designer is also in charge of the fabrication. Instead of using a 3D printer, laser cutter, or any other time-saving and image-perfecting technological tool typically relied upon in our field, we opted for paper, scissors and patience to build a message carved into a typographic block. The contained message—“We Can Almost Taste It”—is legible from one specific view point in space. The container—“What’s Next”—is meant to be read in a more traditional way. The result is an image showing little details usually hidden; i.e., the tabs used to glue the objects together are still visible. This transparency references the slick images rendered on computers without apology for inconsistencies and imperfections. Finally, the inside of the card is designed with elements used in the making of the front of the card: earlier handmade typographic experiments, process images and final templates of the constructed letters.